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aimswebPlus is a tool for teachers and educational teams in MTSS/RTI and special education contexts that offers nationally-normed, skills-based benchmark assessments and progress monitoring integrated into one application across reading and math domains with add-on measures across dyslexia and behavior/social-emotional skills.

Choose from our formats

  • Test forms reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    7 options

    From SGD 1.71
  • Training

    Onsite, virtual & on-demand trainings

    2 options

    From SGD 202.14
  • All products

    All tests and materials offered for aimswebPlus

    9 options

    From SGD 1.71
- of 9 results
Prices include GST where applicable
  • aimswebPlus Complete New (Digital)
    AIMPLSCSUB Qualification Level B

    Pack of 1

    For new aimswebPlus customers.

    Price per student per year, enter number of students in quantity.

    SGD 12.85

  • aimswebPlus BASC-3 BESS Teacher Form (Digital)
    0150050364 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 1

    Add on for any new or renewing aimswebPlus subscription. Price per student per year, enter number of students in quantity.

    SGD 2.23

  • aimswebPlus BASC-3 BESS Student Form (Digital)
    A103000200518 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 1

    Add on for any new or renewing aimswebPlus subscription. Price per student per year, enter number of students in quantity.

    SGD 2.23

  • aimswebPlus Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen (Digital)
    0150021860 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 1

    Add-on for any new or renewing aimswebPlus subscription. Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen training is required if the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen add-on is purchased and if no other aimswebPlus training is purchased.

    Price per student per year, enter number of students in quantity.

    SGD 2.23

  • aimswebPlus Rapid Automatized Naming (Digital)
    A103000221674 Qualification Level B

    Add-on for any new or renewing aimswebPlus subscription. Includes RAN Objects, Colors and Shapes.

    Price per student per year, enter number of students in quantity.

    SGD 2.23

  • aimswebPlus SSIS-SEL Diagnostic and Intervention Package (Digital)
    A103000257700 Qualification Level B

    Add on for any new or renewing aimswebPlus subscription. Price per student per year, enter number of students in quantity.


    • Screening and Progress Monitoring Scales (Digital)
    • Rating Forms (Digital)
    • Classwide Intervention Program (CIP, Digital)
    • SEL Professional Development Course (Digital)
    • Manuals (Digital)

    SGD 6.01

  • aimswebPlus Spelling Grades 4-12 with Pattern Inventory and Analysis Tool (PIAT) (Digital)
    A103000369529 Qualification Level B

    Add on for any new or renewing aimswebPlus subscription. Price per student per year, enter number of students in quantity.

    SGD 1.71

  • SPELL-Links Pattern Inventory Analysis Tool (PIAT) Training for aimswebPlus · On Demand · 1 Hour
    A103000369539 Qualification Level B

    This 1-hour session is designed for SPELL-Links PIAT users to understand how to score and analyze aimswebPlus student responses using the PIAT. Participants will have access to this course for one year.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. On-demand training is accessed via a welcome email sent to the email address associated with the order.

    SGD 202.14

  • Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen on aimswebPlus Training · On Demand · 1 Hour
    0150021259 Qualification Level A

    Learn the definition, symptoms, and neurobiology of dyslexia and how to apply this information to an assessment workflow that fits your. Participants will also see how Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen ratings can help to identify risk as well as meet state dyslexia screening mandates.

    Participants are eligible to earn a digital badge and will have access to this training for one year. The price includes up to 30 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. On-demand training is accessed via a welcome email sent to the email address associated with the order.

    Note: If you have purchased aimswebPlus training in the last 12 months, you do not need to purchase this training. Contact AWonlinelearning@pearson.com to request access.

    SGD 942.16


Age range:
Measures and norms for grades K–8; May roster PreK using kindergarten measures and norms; May roster grades 9–12 using grade 8 measures and norms.
Completion time:
Progress Monitoring measures are brief and vary from 1–7 minutes. Benchmarking administration time (i.e., interim assessment) varies depending on grade level and measures selected (see Resources tab, Assessment Matrix document).
Online test administration for measures in grades 2–12. Digital record forms with some paper-and-pencil test booklets for grades K–1. Digital record forms for Oral Reading Fluency for grades 1–12.
View system requirements
Scoring options:
Browser-based and/or manual score entry
Report Options:
Real-time reporting at the district, school, grade, class, and student levels; local and national norms; Rate of Improvement (ROI) student growth norms; reporting aligned to Common Core State Standards; Lexile and Quantile levels available for some measures
Guidance on using this assessment remotely

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Product Details

Measure what matters

aimswebPlus provides the framework, data, and guidance that administrators, teachers, and specialists need to efficiently allocate and evaluate core instruction and interventions, helping them improve outcomes for all students based on accurate, continuous, and direct student assessment.
It informs daily instruction and provides growth results to caregivers and district/state audiences in reading and math achievement using curriculum-based assessment and standards-aligned content for students in PreK through Grade 12.

Additionally, aimswebPlus links to instructional resources to support growth in reading, writing, and math skills. aimswebPlus uncovers learning gaps quickly, identifies at-risk students, and assesses growth at the individual and group levels.

Early intervention is the key to success, both in and out of the classroom. With aimswebPlus, you can measure what matters — when it matters.

aimswebPlus can help you:

  • Meet accountability requirements
  • Uncover learning gaps faster and more accurately
  • Screen and monitor students in one seamless system
  • Track student progress for more effective instruction and interventions


What really matters to you? Rank these for you and your team and let us help you deliver results.

  • Brief: most assessments take 1 to 4 minutes to complete
  • Predictive: provides accurate predictions of reading and math achievement
  • Sensitive: includes student Rate of Improvement (ROI) growth percentiles and summaries that allow schools to compare progress against similar students in a national sample
  • Flexible: delivers strong benchmarking and progress monitoring yet robust enough to add a wide array of additional screeners and instructional supports
  • Teacher-friendly: easy to administer and score by a wide range of education personnel
  • Tested: content accurately measures reading and math skills with proven reliability and validity


Take an at-a-glance view of all that aimswebPlus offers, then read more details below!

Measure what matters, when it matters

Four people looking at tablet

Universal benchmarking

Universal benchmarking, also known as interim assessment, makes it possible to accurately measure student and classroom performance in reading and mathematics. These standards-based measures are designed to evaluate essential knowledge and skills as efficiently as possible.

Key Principles:

  • Manage the entire fall, winter, and spring assessment cycle
  • Identify students at risk for dyslexia or social-behavioral issues
  • Compare math and reading performance to grade level expectations
  • Build student and classroom profiles of strengths and weaknesses to tailor instruction and instructional groupings

Dyslexia screening

Our partnership with Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen™ offers an evidence-based, teacher-friendly observational rating scale for grades K–3. It is intended for mass screenings to sort students quickly — those at risk and those not at risk for dyslexia. The data can be used to set direction for intervention and instructional planning for all students, and a ready-to-use handout gives parents and caregivers ideas for supporting at-risk students outside school.

Key Principles:

  • Documentation of educator ratings and concerns that show evidence of dyslexia risk
  • Reliable and valid, norm-based student performance ratings that support educator observations
  • Multiple measures that support best practice in screening and assessment
  • Universally screen, identify risk, progress monitor, and report results in one seamless system

Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN)

RAN measures are increasingly common in state-level requirements for dyslexia screening programs. RAN is a highly sensitive construct to reading outcomes. While two aimswebPlus measures, Letter Naming Fleuncy (LNF) and Number Naming Fluency (NNF), may also tap into RAN skills, they can be confounded by knowledge of letters and numbers. The RAN measures include Objects as well as Colors & Shapes for more general RAN screening.

Key Principles:

  • RAN has been a common measurement construct for decades.
  • RAN measures underlying cognitive skill, rather than achievement.
  • Comparing LNF/NNF performance to non-academic tasks allows a deeper understanding of RAN in a student.
  • Use as a universal or targeted additional measure for more insight into student capabilities.

Writing Assessment and Intervention

From a young age, students begin learning the fundamentals of writing, starting with the basics of correct sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. Being a GOOD writer, however, entails more than the mastery of basic writing skills. It requires the writer to organize thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and facts in a way that will both engage the reader and perhaps even influence their own way of thinking on the topic. aimswebPlus hosts WriteToLearn for ongoing writing assessment and intervention for all students or a subset of students.

Key Principles:

  • 75% of 8th and 12th grade students are not proficient in writing (NAEP).
  • WriteToLearn builds writing skills and reading comprehension in grades 4–12.
  • Automated scoring and feedback lighten a teacher’s load and increase the number of graded writing opportunities.
  • Embedded support tools (e.g., translated instructions, text-to-speech) benefit struggling readers, writers, and English learners.

Progress monitoring

Progress monitoring enables more frequent assessment to track individualized goal growth and documents each student’s response to instructional changes. CBM measures are regularly delivered to provide continuous student progress data.

Key Principles:

  • Brief, standardized, and reliable
  • Sensitive to growth that occurs over relatively short intervals
  • Available in multiple equivalent forms to reduce practice effects on retesting
  • Easy to administer and score, allowing it to be used accurately by a wide range of education professionals

Behavior screening

The BASC™-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) offers a comprehensive, digital system within a benchmark assessment like aimswebPlus that requires just 2 to 4 minutes per student and 60 to 90 minutes for an entire class. The results are available immediately within the aimswebPlus platform.

Key Principles:

  • Documentation of educator ratings and observations that evaluate students’ behavior and emotional skills
  • Reliable and valid, norms-based student performance ratings that support educator observations
  • Universally screen, monitor progress, and report results in one seamless system
  • Quick administration with evidence-based results

Social-Emotional Learning

Everyone wins when students’ negative behavior decreases and their learning opportunities and academic achievement increase. However, a deficit in any of the five key social-emotional skills ― self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making ― can lead to behavior and emotional difficulties, as well as less involvement in academics. The comprehensive SSIS-SEL behavior rating forms assess student strengths and improvement areas across five SEL and three academic competencies.

Key Principles:

  • Fully CASEL-aligned
  • Teacher, Parent, and Student Forms
  • Integrated with the SSIS-SEL Edition Classwide Intervention Program
  • Useful as a universal or targeted additional measure for more insight into student capabilities

Integrated Technology: Administration, Scoring, and Reporting

aimswebPlus provides comprehensive reporting for each screening and monitoring component. Each report highlights both performance and progress, enabling educators to make informed decisions about students and instruction. Reports include data for students, classrooms, grades, schools, and districts, as well as student norms at the national, state, and district level. Student reports can be generated in either HTML or PDF format and can be filtered to display the precise data needed. The level of information available in each report is based on the user’s role and access level. Parent-friendly screening and progress monitoring results are also available.

Key Principles:

  • Accurately identify at-risk students and learning gaps in key skill areas.
  • Monitor and report individual and group growth, and group students based on instructional need.
  • Support dual-discrepancy and special ed evaluations.
  • Identify students at risk for not meeting end-of-year grade level targets.
  • Quickly evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for individuals and groups.



Is a calculator needed for aimswebPlus Math Concepts and Applications?

Students will never need to bring a calculator, nor will teachers ever need to provide one.

Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade will see some questions where a digital calculator will be provided in the testing application (TestNav). The calculator will not be provided for all questions; the calculator will only be provided for questions aimed at seeing if the student understands an advanced mathematical concept. There are many questions designed to see if students, especially in lower grades, can calculate a solution accurately with only a pencil and scratch paper. For more advanced concepts like permutations, probability, and factorials we want the question to measure, “Does the student understand how to set up the equation?” Or “Do they understand the logic of a word problem?” It's for these kinds of questions that we enable the calculator, so the student is more likely to get the question right or wrong based on their mathematical understanding, and not because of an accidental arithmetic error.

What is CAT?

CAT stands for Computer-Adaptive Test.

The Adaptive part means that it is a test that adapts to student responses. The list of questions on the test is not set when the test starts. Instead, there is a large bank of items of varying difficulty. Using a starting point on the item difficulty scale, the test starts with an item at that level. For aimswebPlus tests we start at a relatively easy level. When the student answers the question correctly or incorrectly, the CAT will choose the next item from the bank using that information.

To learn more about the CAT, please read the CAT FAQ



aimswebPlus loves our partners

Meet students’ needs every step of the way! We are excited to collaborate with many types of partners to enable data-driven decisions and empower teachers with good data at the right place and time.

Student Information Systems (Rostering as a Service) - Connections to student information systems for rostering.

  • Classlink 
  • Clever 
  • EdFi  
  • Infinite Campus 
  • OneRoster/IMS Global  
  • PowerSchool 
  • Skyward 
  • RicOne 
  • MIDataHub

Single Sign On - Connections to student information systems for single sign on/user login.  

  • aimswebPlus: Google, Clever, Microsoft Azure, LTI (ClassLink) 
  • TestNav: Google, Clever, ClassLink, SAML/LTI

Data Warehouses – Connections to data warehouses where assessment data can be sent into a customer's larger data pool.  

  • Ed-FI ODS (Operational Data Store) 
  • MiDataHub (Michigan Data Warehouse)
  • ECATS – (NC Data Warehouse) 

Intervention Connections 

  • Branching Minds - Branching Minds partners with schools to help educators streamline differentiation and personalize learning through an MTSS/RTI system solution that simplifies best practices.
  • Classworks - Online tiered-intervention program helps you pinpoint learning gaps and deliver math, reading, and language arts instruction at the right level to gain real-time insight into student progress.
  • Panorama Education - Solutions that scale consistent student supports with MTSS, PBIS, or RTI frameworks.
  • SPELL-Links | Learning By Design - Your speech-to-print structured literacy solution that combines direct multi-component instruction with systematic structured practice and facilitates implicit learning to build independent readers and writers across all tiers.

Other/Reporting/Data integration 

  • Metametrics – Lexile and Quantile Scores  
  • Educlimber  Performance Matters 
  • LearnersEdge 
  • LandingZone 
  • Intervention Compass 
  • Illuminate 
  • Eduphoria 
  • EdInsights 
  • EdHub 

Certified Partners

Lexile certified partner logoQuantile certified partner logo  

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