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Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children | Second Edition

  • John S. March, M.D., MPH

Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children Second Edition™ (MASC 2™) assesses the presence of symptoms related to anxiety disorders in youth. The measure distinguishes between important anxiety symptoms and dimensions that broadband measures do not capture. 


Publication date:
Age range:
8 to 19 years
Qualification level:

Product Details

The MASC 2 aids in the early identification, diagnosis, treatment planning and monitoring of anxiety-prone youth.


  • Assess a broad range of emotional, physical, cognitive and behavioral symptoms that represent important dimensions of childhood anxiety.
  • Differentiate children with the disorder from the general population with the help of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Index.
  • Easily administer, score, and interpret results.
  • Excellent reliability and validity.


MASC 2 is a multi-rater assessment with parent and self-report ratings in order to gather in-depth, multi-perspective information. It uses the following scales:

  • Separation Anxiety/Phobias
  • Social Anxiety
  • Obsessions & Compulsions
  • Physical Symptoms
  • Harm Avoidance
  • GAD Index and Inconsistency Index