Conners 4th Edition

Conners 4
  • C. Keith Conners, PhD
Conners 4th Edition (Conners 4™) provides a comprehensive assessment of symptoms and impairments associated with ADHD and common co-occurring problems and disorders in children and youth aged 6 to 18 years.
Pearson Clinical Asia distributes but does not publish this product.
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Conners-4: Introduction and Application · On Demand · 1 Hour
A103000353996 Qualification Level B

This introduction to the brand new Conners 4th edition will review the background of ADHD assessment and discuss the Conner's 4. This training will include an overview of the assessment, the modified and expanded feature set, updated standardisation, reliability, validity and fairness considerations. The training will then focus on administration, scoring and interpretation guidelines, concluding with a case study.

Minimum order of 1 items


USD 63.25

Training details


This learning track is approximately 1 hour long and consists of three modules including a quiz upon completion.

Join Product and Solutions Manager Mathangi Selvamenan, Ph.D., and Assessment Consultant Janelle C. Bierdeman, Ed.S. NCSP, for an introduction to the brand new Conners 4th Edition. Mathangi will review a background of ADHD assessment, and an overview of the Conners 4’s modified and expanded feature set, including updated standardization, reliability, validity and fairness considerations. Janelle will then move on to administration, scoring and interpretation guidelines, concluding with an example case study.

After completing this learning track, participants will have an, or be able to:

Learning Outcomes

After completing the program, participants will be able to: 

  • Describe the best practices for a thorough assessment of ADHD
  • Discuss the key features of the Conners 4, including its modified structure and content
  • Outline the development considerations and psychometric properties of the Conners 4
  • Identify the user requirements for the administration and scoring of the test
  • Interpret Conners 4 results to guide decision making and intervention planning


The cost of this training is $330 inc. GST.

Included in your registration fee:

  • Access to premium pre-recorded content
Please note this important information:
  • This content can only be purchased by credit card. Please ensure you have a valid credit card ready at time of purchase.
  • This content will be manually provisioned by our team within 2-3 business days from the point of purchase.