Helping your clients gain independence
Ask any of your clients or their loved ones what their number one concern is, and they will tell you, “we want to be able to participate, and lead a fulfilling life.” Regardless of the issue at hand, the ultimate goal is just that. Participation. Fulfillment. Success.
Your job as an Occupational Therapist is that of an agent of change. Your clients come to you, sometimes during periods of great need, and you have the task of helping them to gain the skills needed to participate, be fulfilled, and realise success.
Exploring products
We encourage you to explore the many resources available to you as you support your clients to gain their independence.
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition
The Vineland-3 is the leading instrument for supporting the diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities
The Roll Evaluation of Activities of Life
The REAL™assesses children’s ability to care for themselves