Presurgical evaluation

Improve surgical outcomes with mental health assessments
Surgical procedures and recovery require cooperative effort from patients, doctors, and insurance companies. Make sure your patients are ready to undergo these procedures by identifying risks and positive attributes that could impact successful outcomes.
Our presurgical evaluations and mental health assessments provide evidence-based recommendations as you devise an appropriate treatment plan.
Presurgical assessment benefits
Identify risks and resilience
High levels of psychological symptomatology are often indicative of patient satisfaction and adverse or sub-optimal surgical outcomes
Reports developed for integrated care
Comprehensive and evidence-based reports enable collaboration across the multidisciplinary surgical and care team
Justification for insurers
Research-based and normed on relevant surgical candidates, these industry leading tests are part of a thorough presurgical psychological evaluation often required by medical treatment guidelines
Explore the following products to find the right presurgical evaluations for your patients
Millon® Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic
The MBMD® helps identify biopsychosocial factors, including coping strategies, that impact individuals' readiness for and response to chronic pain, bariatric, and general surgeries
Battery for Health Improvement 2
The BHI™ 2 comprehensively identifies primary and secondary biopsychosocial risk factors before surgical intervention
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3
The MMPI-3 helps assess psychological and behavioral dysfunctions that affect pain management and treatment
Success stories
- Measuring Both Sides of the Transplant Equation: Psychological Tests Help Evaluate Organ Recipients and Donors
- Medically Oriented Psychological Tests Help Improve Care for Breast Surgery Candidates
- Moving from Failure to Success: The MBMD® Benefits Bariatric Surgeons and Their Patients
- Psychologists Beneficial to Multi-Specialty Bariatric Surgery Center
Miscellaneous resources
- Sample MBMD Bariatric Interpretive Report
- Sample MBMD Pain Patient Presurgical Interpretive Report
- Spinal Cord Stimulation: A Primer and Glossary of Terms
- MMPI-2-RF Spinal Cord Stimulator Candidate Annotated Sample Interpretive Report
- Spine Surgery Candidate Interpretive Report and Spinal Cord Stimulator Candidate Interpretive Report Flyer